making your voice heard
What we do at Water Strategies
We are a government relations, publishing, marketing, and executive search firm located on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. We specialize in water, power, and agricultural issues. Established in 2009 by one man with a handful of clients, our firm has steadily grown to a double-digit staff serving many across the nation. Our success model is simple: exceptional service to our clients. Today, we publish three magazines circulated to over 20,000 people, and our website serves as a clearinghouse for requests, proposals, and job listings published by water agencies and irrigation districts throughout the western United States.
Government Relations
Executive Search
Irrigation Leader
Irrigation Leader highlights Western Water Leaders and provides a forum for Irrigators and Engineers to discuss solutions and technology.
Municipal Water Leader
Municipal Water Leader highlights municipal water providers throughout the nation to get answers and information on technology and infrastructure.
Hydro Leader
Hydro Leader focuses on the people and solutions responsible for maintaining and improving our most reliable renewable energy source.

Jobs Board
Our website serves as a clearinghouse for requests for proposals and job listings published by water agencies and irrigation districts throughout the United States. We post jobs at no charge, in the Irrigation Leader, Hydro Leader, and Municipal Water Leader magazines and websites.